Better and Faster Workflows Master Class

Increase efficiency, productivity, and teamwork in 120 days!

In this digital age, teams need the right skills to deal with tough challenges and uncertainties. Whether they are working remotely or on-site, you can help your team to deliver high-quality work. In many organizations, balls are dropped and the responsibility to pick them up is left to management. This course seeks to identify high-performance gaps in your team. It challenges mindsets and equips team members with habits that will ensure higher productivity.

The Better and Faster Workflows Course delivers a practical framework for assessing and managing your team’s performance. It helps your team to understand the Process as a foundation for effective teamwork, high performance, and cost-cutting. It lays bare the eight lean wastes through which you can identify workflow inefficiency, establish  better workflows, and prevent recurring inefficiencies.

Current and past participants have the opportunity to get to the root cause of their inefficiencies. By identifying problems at the source and learning from them, they have identified lasting solutions to recurrent problems.

Low productivity costs employers up to USD 1.8B annually: Hubspot Study

That’s right. Low productivity is costly. It may also be the greatest hindrance to your business growth.

When your employees do not use their skills and competencies to the maximum, a breeding ground is created for workplace conflicts, politics, missed deadlines, and sky-rocketing operational costs.

The signs of a low-performing team are all too clear. Team members deliver tasks last minute leading to mistakes, panic, and stress. A lot falls through the cracks. And there’s very little time to fix errors, improve delivery and deal with any unexpected issues that may arise.

Such teams fail to produce their best work causing a ripple effect all the way to the customer. Customers who are unhappy with the team’s deliverables eventually stop coming back and employees become disengaged. Before long, team members start looking for better opportunities elsewhere and you’re left scouting for talent instead of focusing on your core business needs.

On the other hand, highly productive teams communicate effectively, stay committed to goals and deliver desirable results consistently. They get more work done in less time. And they get it right the first time. No reworks.

As a result, the organization can achieve quality outputs and record higher profits. If you want to get ahead of your competitors, take your team to the next level.

Start your journey with the Better and Faster Workflows Program


  • Up-skill staff to develop and continually demonstrate effective habits of high-performing individuals and teams

  • Facilitate teams to discover the inefficiencies costing the business/ organization revenue, and how to remedy them.

  • Eliminate time-wasting bottlenecks that are preventing individuals and teams from accomplishing personal and organizational goals.

  • Simplify and integrate lean improvement techniques within a team.


  • Have Clear and specific job descriptions with aligned personal development and operational KPIs. The roles will be matched to individual capabilities and learning opportunities.

  • Understand Process as a foundation for effective teamwork, high performance, and cost-cutting: participants will  able to spot efficiency opportunities in your team, define and measure Process and establish workflows.

  • Identify workflow inefficiency through the 8 lean wastes: This will enable you to rethink how to increase profit by distinguishing between value and non-value added and eliminating inefficiencies.

  • Stop recurring inefficiencies. Through Root Cause Analysis, you’ll increase your capability to identify problems at the source, learn from them and devise lasting

  • Establish improved standards and execute improvements: Design improved processes and Key Performance Indicators

  • Experiment toward the new standard:  continuous improvement, innovation will be part of staff and management routine, ensuring continual improvement of business results.


Modules Milestones  Interactive Learning  Assignments and Deliverables
Module 1 Establish High Performance Team Gaps and Goals Understanding Internal Customer Employee identifies key areas for personal improvement
    Characteristics of High Performing Employees Supervisor discusses and approves KPIs for personal development
    Review Capability Assessment Results for the team  
    Road Map to Mastering Responsibilities  
Module 2 Understanding Process as foundation for effective team work, cost  saving and high performance Efficiency opportunities in the department/team/project Select Candidate Process
    Defining a Process Document high level and detailed process
    Measuring Process: Customer Quality requirements  
    Establishing the workflows: Process Mapping  
    Performance Improvement Team  
Module 3 Gain Capability to Identify Inefficiencies in workflows Rethink how to increase profit. Select inefficiencies to tackle first – least time, more benefit, least resources?
    Distinguish Value and Non Value Added Activities Identify the top waste in each of the process step ( detailed process map)
    The Eight Lean Wastes  
    Mapping and Analysing the Eight Lean Wastes  
Module 4 Stop recurring inefficiencies through root cause analysis ( Solve a problem once). Root cause analysis  ( 5 Whys/ Cause and Effect Diagram) Root cause of inefficiencies document and confirmed.
      Solutions identified and prioritized
Module 5 Develop/Design Improvement Processes Developing simple, practical and effective processes New/improved Process Developed and measuring unit determined/established.
    Digital transformaiton Improvements with automation and those to be implemented without technology prioritized
Module  6 Establish improved standards and execute improvements Toyota Kata – habits towards goals Weekly experiments: solution executed, automation and optimization done, outcome and impact on efficiency gains recorded
Module 7 Updating processes, procedures and KPIs N/A Procedures manual updated, KPIs developed and approved.
Module 8 Celebrate, Learning and Repeat Presentation and Review of results.


  • Biweekly online sessions: Live interactive sessions will ensure the full participation of every team member. Participants will be introduced to new concepts followed by practical problem-solving.

  • Assignments: After each live session, participants will implement the concepts learned when they get back to work. The assignment ranges from defining individual high-performance habits to group discussions where they can identify and review the Process.

  • Group coaching: Participants will have a chance to review and discuss assignments.

  • Manager/Supervisor Coaching: Team leads especially those with limited people and process orientation will get one-on-one coaching. Here, they will acquire the skills needed to effectively lead an improving team.


 With the Better and Faster Workflows Master Class,

  • Your employees will be empowered with analytical skills, communication skills, and problem-solving skill

  • Within 30 days, you’ll notice an increase in high-performance habits among your staff

  • Within 60 days, you’ll notice a marked improvement in quality and time efficiencies

  • You’ll realize valuable return on your investment

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