Lean Green Belt Certification
Overview of the Lean Green Belt Training
A Green Belt is a proficient expert with a deep understanding of the foundational to advanced aspects of Lean Methodology. They take charge of improvement initiatives and may also act as team members in more intricate improvement projects, often under the guidance of a Certified Black Belt, typically in a part-time capacity. A Lean Green Belt showcases a comprehensive comprehension of every facet of the Lean Management System.
To increase adoption and on the job application of knowledge gained, the 5 day training is spread over five weeks. Traditional 5 – day (1 week) training may be offered on special requests.
Who should attend
Staff with subject expertise and participating in black belt process improvement projects.
Executives and process owners interested in learning and practicing fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma
Staff with yellow belts interested in expanding their knowledge and expertise.
Certification Requirements:
- Attend and actively participate in the Lean Green Belt training, completing the exercises
- Pass the Lean Green Belt test with 80% correct (closed book, but simple)
- Conduct Lean Green Belt certification project, document and present measured improvement (to demonstrate understanding of and ability to apply thinking, concepts, and tools)
Lean Green Belt Curriculum – Designed by Andrew Parris (Ph.D., LSS Master Black Belt)
This training has been redesigned following years of training in emerging economies across Africa and Asia. The training materials are adapted, and lean tools simplified to help NGOs, SMES and other business benefit from lean principles and tools bearing in mind higher resource constraints across these regions.
What is Lean
Organise the Area (6S Workplace Organisation)
Make Work Visual
Standardise Work
Value Adding to Customer
Prevent Mistakes
Make Work Flow
Solve Problems
Working with others
Extra Topics
Lean Management System
Continuing the Learning
Course evaluation
Green Belt Testing
Lean Green Belt Certification and Project Requirements
Why Lean
Origins of Lean
Roles of Leaders, Teams and Coaches
Principles of Lean.
How Lean Works
Easy to see work and problems.
Label and outline
Set, measure and review KPIs.
Show status and performance.
Best-known way to work.
SIPORC, process map, Subject-Verb-Direct Object
SOPs, Work Instructions
How-to Guide
Forms and Checklists
Definition of value and different types of waste (required and purely non-value-adding).
3 Types of Wastes
Muda – not adding value
Mura – unevenness
Muri – overburden
Review of 9 types of Muda waste
Prevent mistakes from occurring
Prevent mistakes from becoming defects
Prevent defects from becoming failures
Simple and low cost methods
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
In response to Customer pull
Reduce batch size.
Level the load
Use Kanban to connect.
Cycle, Span, Touch, Takt Time
Do not blame people; do not fight fires; prevent problems.
Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle
Determine and address root causes; ask Why? 5 times
Small (CI), Medium (A3, Toyota Kata) and Large (Team, DMAIC)
Win friends & influence people
Bringing out the best in people
Facilitating teams
Managing change
Ask 3 Questions
Daily Stand-Up Meetings
Empower People to solve problems to improve processes to increase performance to lead to greater prosperity.
The importance of trying new things
Free online resources (including LSS Council)
Request for participants fill survey. (generally filled in after the training)
Explanation of the exam. This is an individual, closed book, 1-hour exam, which means students are asked to do the exam only from memory and without notes or materials of any sort.
One DMAIC project or a collection of smaller improvements with measured impact demonstrating understanding of and successful application of the concepts and tools learned in the training.
Green Belt – Course outline
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